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I bethought the present day was’t going to beest another boring day but that was’t not the case. Mine mother still isn't comfortable talking to me, so the lady hadst the nurse talk to me about the idea of getting married. The lady wanteth me to marry this knave name Paris. And I toldeth that lady tis an honor that I dream not of which was’t true until I laid mine eyes on this young sir. That gent casually flirted with me and I was’t afraid that gent was’t going to kiss me because I has't nev'r kissed anyone, I've only readeth about t in books. But once that gent pressed his lips against mine I hath felt a drive of energy inside me. Mine stomach hath felt weird, but I strangely enjoyed the feeling and just at which hour I bethought we was’t done, that gent pulled me closer and we kissed once again. Everything was’t perfect until mine nurse tooketh me hence from this mystery knave because mine mother was’t asking for me. The nurse then toldeth me something that I nev'r wanted to heareth. The love of mine life is a Montague, mine only misprice. My only love sprung from my only hate. Too early seen unknown, and known too late. Prodigious birth of love it is to me, that the man I love is a loathed enemy. It simply isn't fair, the one perfect young sir for me is mine family's worst enemy. The world must misprise me because this is unfair. 

It was an honor that I dreamt not of, until I met my dear Romeo.  I needeth to wend I heareth mine Nurse coming and lest I supposed to beest asleep by now but how I do beseech you catch but a wink at which hour our palms has't touched, how we danced, and how that gent pressed his lips against mine with so much passion. I shouldn't coequal speaketh, nor coequal writeth his name down in a Capulet house because tis the deadliest sin any Capulet can asketh for. But at his point I would doth anything for that gent. I would coequal risk mine own life for that gent just so I can breathe the same air as that gent, one last time. 


STATUS: “It is an honor that I dream not of ” (R&J, I:iii ln 67).

REPLY: While talking to her mother, Juliet is asked about how she feels about marriage and she responds by saying, “It is an honor that I not dream of “ (R&J, I:iii ln 67), which means that she has never thought of marriage. This quote also displays the youthfulness in Juliet, since she is not yet focused on topics such as marriage which is typically for people who are older. 

STATUS: “You kiss by the book” (R&J, I:v ln 108).

REPLY: After meeting Romeo and kissing him, Juliet says, “You kiss by the book” (R&J, I:v ln 108), which implies that Juliet has read books that include kissing. It may also imply that Romeo kisses perfectly because most books that include kissing make it seem perfect. By saying this, it also means that Juliet herself has also read a book about kissing since she knows what it is like. Reading books about this subject displays Juliet’s anxiousness towards her first kiss since she wants to be prepared for it. 

STATUS: “I’ll look to like if looking liking move./But no more deep will I endart mine eye/Than your consent gives strength to make it fly” (R&J, I:iii ln 99-101).


REPLY: When Juliet is asked by her mother if she can love Paris, she responds by saying, “I’ll look to like if looking liking move./But no more deep will I endart mine eye/Than your consent gives strength to make it fly” (R&J, I:iii lns. 99-101). This quote means that she will try her best to fulfill her mother’s wishes. This shows that Juliet is someone who respects and executes the wishes of her mother.

STATUS: “My only love, sprung from my only hate!/ Too early seen unknown, and known too late!/ Prodigious birth of love it is to me/ That I must love a loathed enemy” (R&J, I:v ln 136-138).


REPLY: In this quote, Juliet has discovered that Romeo, who she fell in love with, is a Montague, the opposing house of the Capulet’s. She is devastated because she fell in love with a Montague.


Oh my, Oh my! Don't I have quite the story to tell all of you today. So much has occurred in just one day I tell you! Just one day! It started off with the Lady Capulet calling me over to converse with her daughter over the most peculiar topic for such a young lady. Marriage! Can you believe it? Marriage for our little Juliet already? And to such a perfect man, Paris, was his name. The thing is, is that Juliet was opposed to it! Such a smart girl, she must’ve picked it up from me. After our shared conversation, we had prepared for the feast that was to happen later in the evening. While I was assisting around the house, I was thinking about Juliet. My little Jule was growing up! I just could not wait to see who she would marry. I’ve raised her since she was small and helped her every step of the way. I love her as my own, and I would love to see her at ease with her own perfect man, whomever the young girl chooses. Especially at this wonderful feast of ours! And soon enough, the feast had already begun. There was dancing and laughter, and I had been keeping my eyes on her the entire time, and I had saw her with the most peculiar young man. In fact, this young man was a Montague. I love Juliet, but I don't want her to get hurt anyway, especially one that involves some family rivalry. The poor soul, I would have to tell her and the boy soon enough. While I was busy watching Juliet, the Lady Capulet had called for me, to call for Juliet. Perfect timing! I called for the young one and broke the news to Montague’s boy. He seemed shocked, but accepting of the news. And as for Juliet, well, she wasn't too pleased either, saying she had fallen in love too late.


STATUS: “A man, young lady! Lady such a man As all the world-why he’s a man of wax.”(​R&J,​ I ; iii, ln 76-77)


REPLY:  The Nurse is happy for Juliet, and is trying to encourage her to be excited about marrying Paris, who is the suitor she favors. She describes Paris as the perfect man, free of any impurities, and a husband Juliet very much deserves.

STATUS: “Peace, I have done. God mark thee to his grace! Thou wast the prettiest babe that e'er I nursed. An I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish.” (​R&J,​ I ; iii, ln 60-63)

REPLY:  Juliet was the prettiest baby she ever nursed, and she raised her until she was considered old enough to marry. Unlike Lady Capulet, whose intention is to marry off Juliet to raise in social status, the nurse is truly happy for her, and supportive of her decisions.

STATUS: “Marry, Bachelor, Her mother is the lady of the house. I nursed her daughter that you talked withal. I tell you, he that can lay hold of her Shall have the chinks” ( ​R&J, ​I ; iii, ln 111-115).

REPLY:  Reply: The nurse has seen that Juliet has shown affection and taken an interest in Romeo, who she knows is a Montague. She tells him that Juliet's mother is Lady Capulet, and whoever marries Juliet will become very wealthy. She is not against Romeo developing a relationship with Juliet, but she warns against it, with the fear of all out war with the Capulets and Montagues.

STATUS: “His name is Romeo, and a Montague, The only son of your great enemy” (​R&J, ​I ; iii, ln 134-135).

REPLY: This is the moment in which the nurse had to tell juliet that her one true love is supposed to be her enemy. The Nurse, who is like a mother figure to Juliet, is equally as heartbroken as Juliet because she has just broken the heart of someone who is like a daughter to her and who she cares deeply about.


Last night, I heard about an amazing girl. Now I can’t stop thinking about her, even though I have never had the honor of embracing her sight. Alas, it is not that simple, I went to her father, Lord Capulet and asked for his beloved daughter’s hand in marriage. He told me, I would have to wait two more years and couldn’t marry Juliet without her consent. The name Juliet rings in my mind like wedding bells. I picture her so vividly walking down the aisle, her face, a blur of my imagination. We would be the most perfect couple ever, because I am a very handsome bachelor. It’s so funny how I can be so fixated on one girl, when many girls are practically crawling all over me. Am I in love? Or am I in love with the idea of the perfect girl that will fit perfectly next to me, like a missing puzzle piece? What would she be to me, a housewife or somebody I am desperately in love with?

Her father seems to like me, but he is very skeptical about the proposal. The idea of giving away his little girl seems to bug him, since Juliet is his only child. But to think of it, he probably just wants my money. After all, I am one of the richest men throughout Verona. Capulet has decided to throw a ball for me to meet Juliet for the first time or meet other women. Juliet will definitely fall head over heels for me. I am such a handsome and rich bachelor.



“Of honorable reckoning are you both,

And pity ‘tis you lived at odds so long.
But now, my lord, what you say to my suit?”(R&J, I:ii, ln 4-6).

REPLY: Ooh, it was so slick how you moved the conversation to where you wanted to, and threw in a compliment. Also, how did it turn out when you asked for marriage. I’m practically on the edge of my seat.

STATUS: “Younger than she are happy mothers made.”(R&J, I:ii ln. 12)

REPLY: You have a point, there are a bunch of young friends I have that are already married mothers. They are so happy with how their lives turned out and I’m positive it would be the same with Juliet. Everyone I know would definitely be more than happy to marry you, no matter how young.

PRINCE Escalus

Today my rebellious subjects had been dueling again. This is not even the second time, but the third. Do they not have ears? For I have commanded them to stop this fighting, to end this war, many times before. They needed more than the punishment of pain they have inflicted upon themselves. This fruitless feud has gone on long enough! I just want peace for my kingdom! They have thrice ruined the tranquility and calmness of my kingdom! And it is by the fault of Montague and Capulet, who will jump at the chance to insult the other. They must put a stop to this endless hate! I am so frustrated by the fact that they keep fighting, even after I say not to. At last, I believe I have finally stopped these feuds once and for all. I have made sure that if anyone disturbs my kingdom, their lives shall pay the price. I left those that were not Montague or Capulet to savour their lives for the last time and told them to disperse, go home. I called Capulet to talk to me alone in Freetown, so that I may gain his favour and so that he thinks I favour him over Montague. Later I will talk to Montague alone just like I did Capulet. I think that after sentencing them all to death if it is done again, I have taken care of the feud that has been plaguing us for many generations. 


STATUS: “If ever you disturb our streets again,/ Your lives shall pay the forfeit of the peace.” (R&J,I:i ln.89-90).

REPLY: The Prince is warning Capulet and Montague that if they continue to cause fights on the streets, he will put them both to death. The Prince threatens them as an attempt to stop Capulet’s and Montague’s fights, hoping that it will bring peace to his kingdom. Seeing as they have fought more than once, putting them to death seems to be the only answer to ceasing the frivolous fights.

STATUS: “Throw your mistempered weapons to the ground/ And hear the sentence of your moved prince.” (R&J, I:i ln. 80-81).

REPLY: The Prince is ordering the Capulets and Montagues to immediately stop the fighting and to put down their weapons. He’s asking that they stop the chaos and listen to him for a moment as he is about to announce something important. 

STATUS: “Three civil brawls, bred of an airy word / By thee, old Capulet, and Montague, / Have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets.” (R&J, I:i ln. 82-84)

REPLY: The Prince is sick of the fighting between the Capulets and Montagues. They have had three street fights already that started off a small insult, and this is disturbing the whole city. As a protector of the peace, he doesn’t want to deal with these skirmishes. 


What a hectic day today was. I am worried for my people because if there will be another riot between us Capulets and those wicked Montagues we will pay for it with our lives. This shouldn’t be too hard for old Montague and I, but I am worried for the younger, rowdy kids fighting in the streets. My own servant got into a fight with another servant of Montagues but the prince is fed up.

I had an interesting conversation with my possible future son-in-law, Paris, about my beautiful and precious daughter Juliet. I love and care deeply about my only daughter so i want the best for her, I hope Paris understands and respects my opinions as well as Juliet. Paris came up to me and asked me if he can court my precious gem Juliet. At first I was shocked and a little nervous. I was a bit afraid to say no but at the same time I didn't want to say yes. My wife, Lady Capulet is more than willing for Juliet to get married, after all she was her age when we had our child. Still, my little girl is only thirteen but in two years she shall be ready to be married if she consents. I just hope Paris is good enough to win her heart.

Even though my hatred for the Montagues is just as strong as any other Capulet I am getting restless for Tybalt’s hot-headedness. He almost ruined my wonderful party due to our feud when he spotted Romeo, a Montague attending. Even after his misbehavior, he wanted to challenge my authority like I am not his Lord! This rivalry is ruining Verona and has gone on far too long, I hope nothing terrible happens to my people, especially my family.


STATUS: “But saying o'er what I have said before. My child is yet a stranger in the world. She hath not seen the change of fourteen years. Let two more summers wither in their pride. Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.”(R&J, I:ii lns 7-11)

REPLY: I can only repeat what I’ve said before. His daughter is still very young. She’s not even fourteen years old. Even though she is still my little girl and I think she should wait a couple more years, I think Paris would make a suitable suitor.

STATUS: “But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart. My will to her consent is but a part.
An she agreed within her scope of choice, Lies my consent and fair according voice.”(R&J, I:ii lns 16-19)


REPLY: Be gentle with her and make her love you. As long as she consents, and you Paris, treat her kindly then you have my approval. My permission is only part of her choice. I love and care about my only daughter very much and I want the best for her.

STATUS: “And, to say truth, Verona brags of him to be a virtuous and well-governed youth. I would not for the wealth of all the town here in my house do him disparagement.”(R&J, I:v lns 66-69)


REPLY: To be honest he has a reputation throughout Verona as a good and mannered young man. I would not insult Romeo in my own house for all the wealth in this town. Tybalt just try to calm down and do not pay attention to him.


I, Romeo Montague, write to thee in present day, to telleth a story of my dismay. I am in love. A type of love that has sprung from my enemy. So allow me to tell the story...

It all began this morning. I was speaking to the ol’ coz of mine, Benvolio. I was filled with such sadness, which Benvolio had realized. Benvolio spoke of love, asking if I was in love, and this is where I had to say to him... I loved a woman who didn’t love me back. I saw the blood on the floor from the fight I was told about, and began to think. That fight had more to do with love than hate, Brawling love! I was so confused and angry, I began to let every feeling out. Such serious foolishness it was, beautiful things turned into an ugly mess. Love is everything, light and dark, hot and cold, asleep and awake, it is everything but what it should be! This is the love I felt, but no one loved me back. My chest was heavy from where the sadness sat, my sadness combined with Benvolio’s became too much to bear. I could not help but say that this is what love is. It is a wise form of madness. Like a sweet pill you choke on. The woman I loved, Rosaline, decided to stay chaste and no words of love could have changed her mind. I was upset, she was wasting her beauty, starving herself of sex, not able to pass down beauty to future generations. It was all confusing, but Benvolio helped me to see beyond her. He told me to examine other beauties, I told him to show me a really beautiful girl, her beauty so fine it’s like a note showing me I can see even more beauty. In my mind I knew, he could not teach me to forget. Benvolio suggested I should find new love to forget about the old. A new pain will make the one I already have seem less, or that’s what he said.


Later, we ran into a servant of the Capulet household. We were informed of a feast that would take place that day, and Benvolio encouraged me to go. He told me to compare Rosaline to other girls, he swore she would look as ugly as a swan to me once I see new beauty. I couldn’t believe it, a woman more beautiful than Rosaline, couldn’t be possible! I agreed to go to the feast, but only to see the woman I loved. They all encouraged me that I should dance once we are there, but I could not move, cupid had pierced me with his arrow so deeply, the wounds kept me down. I sunk under the heavy weight of love. I told my friends we shouldn’t go in, I dreamt a dream this very night. I feared the party would be the start of something bad, something that would end with my own death. It was bad enough we were going to the enemy’s household, and now the dream, I was in too much worry. But I set those feelings to the side, and went to the feast.

We had stepped in, Benvolio and Mercutio did what they wished to do but suddenly this is where it all happened. This is where I saw her, THE ONE. I remember these next few moments precisely. I saw her on the arm of another man, but she stood out against the darkness. Beauty too good for this world, and too good to be buried. At this point I knew what to do. I went to her at the middle of the dance floor and gave her my rough ugly hand, telling her it was an unworthy visit to her holy place. I warned her, if she was offended, my lips were standing like two blushing pilgrims ready to make things better with a kiss. She went along with my comparison, saying holding one palm against another is like a kiss. I was blushing, she must’ve been intentionally doing this, she wanted me. I replied with a sly response, “let lips do what hands do!”. I was certain this would coerce her to kiss me, but she figured a way around it. “Saints do not move, though grant for prayer’s effect I take”, she said. She was smart, very smart, but I was smarter. I told her not to move as I acted out my “prayer”, and at that moment we kissed. I HAD DONE IT! How beautiful that kiss was, oh how I can still remember it on my lips! But now the sin from my lips was given to her, I was certain she wanted me, why else would she mention the sin. Like any wise man, I asked for it back. Two kisses in the one night! I could not believe, Oh how full of beauty she was that night. It was everything any man could ever dream of. But I can not remember her snarky comment “You kiss by the book”, well what should that mean? Is she a tease? Is she suggesting I am bad, But no I must not think of this uncertainty! But then, this night began to worsen. A woman interrupted us, telling the fine lady she had to speak with her mother. And I regret asking this very single question, and soon i found out that she, the woman I had instantly fallen in love with... Is a capulet! Yes, indeed I was amazed. I couldn’t help but think, my life is in the hands of my own enemy!


Status: “A madness most discreet,-A choking gall, and a preserving sweet.” (​R&J, ​I:i, ln. 186-187)


Reply: Here Romeo is saying that love is like a wise form of madness. It’s as if it is a sweet pill you choke on. Here Romeo is heartbroken from Rosaline, he has lost all hope and belief in love because he will never love anyone ever again. This is why he starts to think of love as something bad. He is saying that it’s sweet and nice at first, but soon it turns to something bad. Leaving you gasping for air and hurting, becoming something you can’t bear.

Status: “Showing me a mistress that is passing fair,- What doth her beauty serve but as a note-Where I may read who passed that is fair? Farewell, Thou canst not teach me to forget.” (​R&J, ​I:i ln, 227-229)


Reply: Here Romeo is telling Benvolio to show him a girl that is really beautiful. That her beauty be like a note telling him where he can see someone even more beautiful. Romeo knows this can’t happen and therefore say goodbye, and assured Benvolio that he cannot teach him to forget about his beautiful Rosaline. This is significant, because it shows how Romeo was damaged from his previous love, and stated he would never forget her. That the love and pain is too much to change his mind.

Status: “Did my heart love till now?Forswear it, sight!- For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night”(​R&J​, I:iiiii, ln. 50-51).

Reply: At the party, Romeo saw Juliet. Here he forgot all about Rosaline, and asked himself if he had ever loved anyone. If he had, his eyes were lying to him, because he had never seen true beauty until that night. He instantly fell in love with Juliet, thus beginning the story of Romeo and Juliet’s love life.

Status: “ O dear account!my life is my foe’s debt” (​Romeo and Juliet​, I:iiiii ln.116)


Reply: Here at this moment, Romeo had just found out that Juliet, the woman he fell in love with, is a Capulet. She is the enemy. He was shocked, and that this would be a heavy price to pay. Now, his life was in the hands of his own enemy.


Bad days are such a pain to deal with, and today was a total pain, so you can put 2 and 2 together and assume that I had a bad day, but let me do you the honor of explaining why.

I love my friends like I love life itself, but every now and then they’re a hassle to deal with. Like what happened today, when Gregory and Sampsun bit their thumbs at the Capulet servants in Verona. They started fighting, so I tried to break up the fight to keep the peace. You would think that it would be appreciated and everyone would just calm down and walk away, but not that hot-head Tybolt. I’ve never seen someone so controlled by rage and anger. He walked up to me and he was like “Oh peace! I hate that word like I hate all Montegues and you”. Who the hell does he even think he is anyways? But yeah that got me pissed so we started fighting, and i was GONNA WIN, but the prince showed up and roasted us so yeah, no.

On the bright side of things, I wasn’t the only one who had a bad day. Romeo got rejected by this chick named Rosaline because she didn’t wanna get dirty with him. I feel bad for him, but at the same time I think he’s overreacting. Like there are a ton of good looking people he’s missing out on because he keeps his head in his hand. But I think I helped him a ton when we found out about a party that the Capulets are throwing. I told him it’d be a great place to check some girls out, but he’s still hung up about Rosaline. I love Romeo, but his moping is gonna dig him an early grave.


STATUS: Part, fools! Put up your swords; you know not what you do. (R&J I1:ii In.76)

REPLY: Abram,Balthazar, and Sampson are all fighting over silly comments. Stop fighting and put away your swords. If you keep fighting you are going to cause chaos because you guys don't know what you are doing.

STATUS: By giving liberty unto thine eyes examine other beauties. (R&J I1:ii In.220-221)

REPLY: Benvolio is suggesting to Romeo if he wants to get other Rosalina he needs to start looking at other girls.

STATUS: I’ll pay that doctrine, or else die debt. (R&J I1:ii In.231)

REPLY: Benvolio is speaking to Romeo about Romeo being love broken and how if he won't stop until he helps him.

STATUS: Tut man, one fire burns out another’s burning. One pain is lessened by another’s anguish.Turn giddy, and be helped by backward turning.  One desperate grief cures with another’s languish. (R&J I1:ii In. 44-47)

REPLY: Benvolio is reminding Romeo that finding a new sententious will remove or lessen that past or current feelings.


Damn it son! The Montagues are literally the most stupidest people to exist. There was a

fight in townsquare and of course the party doesn’t start without me there. When I got there, there were the Montagues (the worst type of people) bullying my servants. This one guy, Benvolio, talked about peace. He said that while holding a sword. What a joke! So being the greatest fighter ever in the history of the world, I fought the evil ones (aka the Montagues). It went all out and boy it was sure fun as hell. But then the big man Prince decided that it was too much for Verona and called the jig off. A party pooper. Then he said that I (well he said EVERYONE, but still though) can’t fight unless I want to die. I’m still bummed that I can’t fight anymore.

Did you know what the only other thing that is better than fighting is a party. Yeah, Old Cap is hosting a big party for Juliet and Paris or whatever. Something about marriage and Jules being too young and whatever. It was going along all fine and dandy before a certain Montague came into the picture. One of the worst of them, Romeo. I heard him talking and man did he make me angry. I wanted to go and fight him but Old Cap said no. I don’t understand why because he’s an enemy and is probably just there just to make fun of us. But no Cap said that I’ll have to deal with his bull because this Romeo kid is respected or whatnot which is so stupid. (I’ll get him back, just watch me, I will not endure him). This Romeo was also doing googly, lovey-dovey eyes at Juliet which is disgusting. I saw them disappear for a bit, probably just Juliet rejecting Romeo because when I saw the two of them again, though separated, the boy looked heartbroken. Heh, what he deserves. Capulets deserve only the best and Montagues are the worse type of trash.


STATUS: “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word / As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. / Have at thee, coward!” (​R&J​, I:i ln. 63-65).

REPLY: At the time, a fight in town square has taken place between the Montague and Capulet house. Benvolio, a Montague, attempts to keep the peace while still being willing to fight if needed. Tybalt, a man of fighting, countered back with the fact that Benvolio talked about peace with a sword in his hand. He then declares that he hates all Montagues, including Benvolio. Overall, it shows that Tybalt just wants to fight and would be happiest to fight the Montague family.

STATUS: “This, by his voice, should be a Montague. / Fetch me my rapier, boy. What, dares the slave // Come hither, covered with an antic face, / To fleer and scorn at our solemnity? / No, by the stock and honor of my kin, / To strike him dead I hold it not a sin” (​R&J​, I:v ln. 52-57).

REPLY: This takes place in the Capulet party. The Montague gang finds out about said party and decides to come by and crash it. When Romeo talked, Tybalt recognized his voice to be one of the house of Montague. He deduces that the reason a Montague would attend a Capulet party is to make fun and mock the hosting house. Due to this, he wants to fight Romeo, even to the point of his death.

STATUS: “It fits when such a villain is a guest. / I’ll not endure him. He shall be endured”(​R&J​, I:v ln. 73-74).

REPLY: Tybalt wants to fight Romeo after hearing him at the Capulet party, deeming him as an enemy spy. Capulet stops him before he did anything to the boy at his party because though a Montague, he is a well respected boy in town. Capulet also does not want any violence to take place at his party because that will make him look bad. When Capulet told Tybalt to back off, he did so in reluctance showing that Capulet had significant power and authority over Tybalt.









































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